Sunday, June 30, 2013

Day 2: Hello Boracay!!!

FINALLY!!!! I've finally arrived at my first destination (It only took me a whole weekend to get here!). I left California on the 28th and arrived here at 1 in the morning on the first of July!!! But let me tell you... So far it has been well worth it. I mean I had a huge bump in the road (That I don't want to get into) but there is somewhat of a learning process when traveling alone internationally; and lets just say that I'm still learning. The crazy thing was I had to take a 45 minute flight to Kalibo then I had to take a 15 minute boat ride to Boracay. My resort is nothing short of amazing! (Pictures of my resort can be found on the Travel page of my blog) The hype surrounding the white sandy beaches were all true. The sun is out and when it hits the white sand it takes your breath away. When I first arrived there was a typhoon. I've never seen anything like it. It was crazy.... There was water everywhere but I was wet from sweating because of the humidity; which made it pretty cool. I think it was the first time I've ever been hot in a storm. Its 8 in the morning right now so that means it should be around 5 o'clock in the afternoon back home. I know the title of my post says that its day two but technically its more like day three (The time difference is killing me). So far this trip has put me through an emotional roller coaster. I went from being amazed; then highly irritated; to almost turning around and going back home (referring to that bump in the road); to falling in love with the country all in a weekend. One of the mistakes that I made was forgetting where I was. When traveling to the Philippines one has to realize that, even though its gorgeous, it is still a third world country. If you keep this concept in mind you should be alright; the beauty of hindsight.

Saturday, June 29, 2013

Day 1: Travel

Okay so my day started at 7:30 in the morning. I got up (And when I say "got up" I mean it literally because I couldn't sleep from the anticipation), took a shower and was ready to start my adventure. The first flight was from San Jose to LA. The flight was only about 45 minutes long; by far the shortest flight I've ever been on. The fun started for me as soon as I touched down in LAX. I mean I've been to LAX before but I've never got the chance to actually see the airport. I must say... LAX is some airport! My next flight, which is the longest, was from LA to Tokyo that took a little over 10 hours. The flight was long but it was awesome!!! It was my first time in first class so needless to say I was like a kid in a candy store. Free cocktails; free food; free-everything! My seat was absolutely amazing. All I had to do was press a button and the seat would turn into a bed automatically. If you look at the picture you can see that I have headphones on. The headphones were there so I can listen to my very own TV that opened up from the seat. Take it from me.... If you ever get a chance to fly first class.... DO IT!!! We landed in Tokyo at 4:00 pm. Its about five o'clock in the afternoon now so it should be right around 1 am back home. Right now I'm sitting in whats called the Delta Airlines Sky Lounge. Its basically an extension of the first class flight. You walk in and everything is free! I'm talking: Alcohol, soft drinks, newspapers, snacks, and wifi. They even have computers that anyone can use for free while you wait for your next flight. I don't think I've ever gotten so many free things in one day in my life. It is a beautiful day in Tokyo right now. I really wish I could walk outside and check out the country a little but I can't. My next flight is in an hour and a half.... I can't wait to get to Manila!!!