Saturday, July 6, 2013

Day 6: Island Hopping

For my last day in the lovely island of Boracay I participated in an activity called island hopping. Island hopping is basically going to three different islands that are located around the perimeter of the island of Boracay. The first island we stopped at was called Coconut Island. The cool thing about this island was that the whole island was submerged under water. So in order to check it out you had to go snorkeling. There were so many different fish of all different colors. I also got to feed the fish. The driver of the boat gave me a couple of pieces of bread and when I put the bread under water every fish tried to get their fair share. It was crazy. At one point I couldn't see my hand because there were fish everywhere fighting trying to get a piece. If only I had an under water camera! The next stop was Puka Shell Beach. This was an actual island with a gorgeous beach. The name does the island justice because there are venders everywhere selling items made out of puka shells. I mean I think I seen a lamp that was made out of puka shells. On this island I did something I always said I wouldn't. I actually tried the Filipino delicacy Balut! For those of you who don't know what this is let me explain. Picture a hard-boiled egg with the chick still in it. You grossed out yet? Trust me I know what you mean. When I heard about this delicacy I dry-heaved a couple times. But I have to say that it was actually quite good. The guy who sold it to me told me that balut was actually a natural aphrodisiac. "Eat one of these and have a couple of beers and your wife will love you in the morning" -was what the guy told me. "SHIT IN THAT CASE GIVE ME TWO!!" (A total joke... One was enough) I cut the island hopping short because I still had a hangover from doing it a little too big the night before so we didn't go to the third island. It was okay though; I was all snorkeled out anyways. So it was just back to the resort to pack and get ready for a Thrilla-in-Manila. 




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